I have been teaching semester long courses and short-form workshops at various institutions since 2004. The above images are from my most recent workshop series at OPEN SIGNAL in Portland, OR. I am currently teaching an online class, Programming Interactive Video via Portland Community College’s Music and Sonic Arts Department (Creative Coding Certificate). As of 2018 I live on the East Coast of the USA. If you want to bring me to your school or organization please get in touch.
A simple Vizzie patch made in Max 8, demonstrating drawing on top of video.
My current live performance patch, with video delays and lots of audio controlled filters. Two live camera inputs. This is what I use on tour with Negativland.
Portland Community College
Adjunct Professor, Portland/Online, 2016-current
Programming Interactive Video
Undergraduate course using Max 8 to teach creative coding methods and concepts. Introduces live video processing, analysis, and programming. Uses Jitter and other tools to generate and process live interactive video experiences.
California College of the Arts
Adjunct Professor, Oakland/San Francisco, 2005-2013
Math and Media
Undergraduate course; curriculum design and implementation focusing on media and technology literacy and creative production using Max/MSP/Jitter; key topics include fundamentals of digital video and audio, interactive sound and image, critical analysis of new media works.
Undergraduate course co-taught with Barney Haynes, Don Day and North Pitney. Physical computing based curriculum integrated with Max/MSP/Jitter.
Reconstructing Video
Upper level undergraduate course; curriculum design and implementation focusing on video as a datastream and how to de- and re-construct it. Topics include dynamic editing systems, listening to video, splitting color planes, re-mapping visual information, voice-controlled video, live animation, and video as a sensor
San Francisco Art Institute
Instructor, Center for Digital Media, 2004–2006
Interactive Video for Performance and Installation
Undergraduate course; curriculum design and implementation focused on the Max/Jitter software environment as a tool for understanding the digital video signal and means of manipulation, interaction and customization.
UC Berkeley, Teaching Assistant Fall 1999 – Spring 2001
Assisted undergraduate curriculum development and instruction for two engineering classes; included teaching a lab class, overseeing student research projects and grading papers.
Video and Audio Programming with Max/Vizzie/Jitter, Open Signal, Portland OR, 2015-2018
Three-evening workshop introducing basic video programming concepts using Max, and the Vizzie modules. Students create sound interactive video work using a pre-made patch, and learn the basics of coding from scratch.
Transitio Festival, Mexico City, Mexico, September 2011
One-day workshop covering techniques of the live cinema piece Sheepwoman.
La Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain, February 2008
One week intensive workshop focusing on media manipulation using customized software and workflows.
University of California Los Angeles, Spring 2006
One-day graduate level workshop for students of Casey Reas
Dis-patch School for New Media Manipulation, Belgrade, Serbia September 2004
Co-taught with Joshua Kit Clayton. A two week workshop on the Max/Jitter software environment and experimental digital video techniques for live performance, installation and production