From the DVD "Mini Movies" by AGF and SUE-C. Naturestille is composed entirely of still images of the nature near where SUE-C grew up in Long Island. A custom Max/Jitter program zooms and cycles through a folder of edited still pictures. AGF created the soundtrack.
Made in 2001 using a series of stills from East Berlin, processed in real-time using Jitter. Originally produced for the Air Portugal show at the Pond Gallery in San Francisco. Soundtrack by AGF.
The main movie from the DVD "Mini Movies" by AGF + SUE-C. This short experimental film follows a girl piecing together her own life memories from found photographs and mental imagery. The score is a composition by AGF that also serves as the storyline - and the source material for an audio CD. The movie contains 40,320 images - stills, drawings, live animations, video and many things in between.
From the DVD "Mini Movies" by AGF and SUE-C. This video is made entirely from still pictures of an East German parking garage complex using a custom photo sequencer programmed in Max/Jitter. The garages are all empty because modern day cars are too big to fit.
From the DVD "Mini Movies" by AGF and SUE-C. This video was made using a custom video playback program created in Max/MSP/Jitter that allows the sound to control the video playback. AGF made the soundtrack after the video was complete.
Handmade from hundreds of photos of West Oakland using a Max/Jitter program that maps photos to keys on the keyboard. Comissioned for the YBCA show East Side Story in 2006, curated by Berin Golonu.
A live recording from an early collaboration with Joshua Kit Clayton in San Francisco at The Lab. Crinkly papers and lots of hands are featured in this work. The video is mainly composed from watercolors on tracing paper, and processed in Jitter.