Inspired by Haruki Murakami's "The Wild Sheep Chase" and "Dance, Dance, Dance," this film is brought to life in real time through the manipulation and projection of photographs, drawings, slides, videos, shadows and three dimensional objects—along with the processing and amplification of electronic music, nostalgic songs and field recordings.
A suitcase-sized animation booth, miniature televisions, a train-propelled camera, motors, sensors, flash bulbs and talking lamps all work together to blur the boundaries of the real world and the cinematic world. It is left up to the audience to determine where dreams end and reality begins.
Sheepwoman is the second live cinema collaboration with Laetitia Sonami.
Sheepwoman premiered at LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions) as part of the Resonant Forms Festival, April 2009. Made possible by The Multi-Arts Production Fund, a program of Creative Capital supported by the Rockefeller Foundation.
PRESENTATIONS: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions / San Francisco Museum of Modern Art / EMPAC / Transito Festival, Mexico City / 01SJ Biennial / CSU San Marcos